Graphic Designing

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This is a graduated blend between two or more colors or between two tints of the same color.

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This sends enough image data to print the graphic at the best possible resolution for the printer

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Specify wheter the toolbar appears as a single column, double column, or single row _____

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If the tools palette does not appear when you open an Adobe InDesign document click ___

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To drag guides into the desired position use.

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To generate a new document from a template InDesing opens

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Master elements appear with ______ in the pages panel.

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You can edit the graphic in the source file using _____

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If the frames overlap each other, you see this where the frames overlap

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To draw the shape from the center, hold down this key.

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To make text appear like it is carved out of stone use this option from effects

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You can convert any path into a predefined shape using this facility

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To apply a gradient to the text that results in outlines.

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If any unwanted formatting remains in the text, choose this option to remove it.

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Use this command to insert graphic in a table cell.

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This is the industry-standard term for quality check on the document.

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Use this combination of keys to make them ruler visible and invisible.

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In Desing requires ______ free space for installation

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________ effect helps you to change the outer shape of an object.

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The ____ contains the preset symbols.

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A _______ is a group of document specific values that is used to set basic print options.

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In the _______ choose option which will directly will directly apply setting or set defaults

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The _____ option changes the path pattern when you click on the pattern that is available

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The _______ options breaks the link between the symbol and the symbol instrance, thus converting the instance into a vector artwork which can be modified if needed.

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______ show you the list of the linked images or files in your document

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The Restrictive (Web) option creates a _____ color standard table for Windows.

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The ____ option creates an even spacing between multiple characters in a line of text, widening it out, or tightening it up.

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The playback option in Illustrator is used for : ______

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Which option displays the numbers of the slices when you are creating slices?

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The ______ option is the registration location which determines the horizontal and vertical co-ordinates of the object.

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_____ means a bitmap image.

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What is the long form of JPEG?

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The shortcut for opening keyboard shortcut dialog box is ____

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Grayscale consists of maximum _____ color of gray.

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To create an art board within an art board press _____ key on your keyboard and drag the cursor.

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To exit from Bridge click on the _____ button in the Bridge window

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_______ is the radius of the curve while using the Rounded Rectangle tool.

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The shortcut for launching bridge is ______

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. _______ displays the information of the colors and brightness levels of the active image.

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The shortcut for using the Brush tool is pressing ______ on the keyboard

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To get photos from a camera choose_______>Get Photos from Camera

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When we cut and paste of an image, then

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To Undo multiple steps keyboard shortcut is

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Mark is a designing a brochure for a company which will be printed on glossy paper. Which type of resolution he will use for his broucher to add more details in it?

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Smallest element of bitmap is

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CMYK stands for

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Photoshop has following color modes:

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GIFF, PNG, JPEG are the formats for

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Graphics Artist can use Photoshop for __________

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You want to retouch your old photograph. Which of the following software’s you will use for retouching your photograph?